Java and .NET are often at odds in the programming world. In fact, Microsoft released .NET to compete with Java, which is firmly entrenched in many platform development projects. The two platforms perform similar functions, so it's up to you to decide which one you want to use. And our job in this article is to help you figure out which one is better.
The creation of Java began in 1991. It was created by James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton. Until today it is best known for its slogan WORA - write once, run anywhere. This slogan is used to describe the versatility of Java, as the code can be used on many different platforms.
The whole concept of Java was that it should be object-oriented, simple, familiar, and secure. All four of these principles are the cornerstones on which the language is built.
The platform hasn't changed in over 20 years. A programmer can freely read code written in the early 2000s. Yes, the code may be somewhat outdated because it doesn't use modern frameworks, but it is more than readable. Why it's important. All the knowledge base learned will be retained by the person, and you won't have to learn a lot of diverse add-ons in the future.
Knowledge base
In Java, the amount of accumulated knowledge base is huge. And since the language has not changed much over the years, the existing knowledge base is still relevant. In .Net, due to the rapid development of the platform, the knowledge base is quickly losing relevance. In Java, there is a large number of training manuals.
Java is the language of enterprise applications. Yes, a lot of things are written in .Net. But if you need to write something with a heavy load, something risky, then all experienced technical directors will decide to do the project in Java. If it can't work in Java, it can't be done at all.
Nevertheless, the Java language isn't perfect either. People argue that while the programming language has managed to retain all of the above features, there is one area in which it cannot keep up with others: obsolescence. There are many opinions that Java is simply not evolving, and that other popular programming languages are already far ahead of the curve. However, the Java language seeks to challenge these assertions.
.NET is a collection of programs that allow you to develop applications. Its versions have been constantly improved, upgraded, and new tools and features have been built-in. Today this set is very popular among programmers because it has almost no equal.
Using the .NET platform, you can develop any application because it provides compatibility of different services written in different languages and can eliminate possible conflicts between different versions.
Cons of .NET
Disadvantages include limited object-relational support. This means that if the current version is changed, only the new version will be supported, but not the original.
Since .NET is a Microsoft product, the application developer will have to adhere to the rules of the vendor.
The development of websites and applications helps take the business to a higher level. .NET is in demand among many developers because it is reliable, secure, and functional.
It is difficult to determine which language is best for you as both are appropriate for most projects. Also keep in mind that when you talk to developers, you get opinions based on their preferences and skills.
Java can be used for web projects, but the .NET platform has taken its place for web services and APIs, especially for Windows API services. Java is mostly used for Linux platforms, although it also works in a Windows environment. You will find that this is a difficult preference for most developers in this area, although you may find some exceptions to the rule.
For desktop applications (for workstations or for servers) any language will suffice. Again, most Windows developers prefer .NET because .NET is the native framework included in Windows. The framework libraries make it easy to work directly with the operating system, so they are preferable to Java. If you decide to make your application available for multiple operating systems, Java may be a better option.
The only way to make the right decision is to talk to several developers and evaluate which language is best for your purposes. Moreover, despite finding these developers you also have to provide them with properly drafted technical assignments, establish communication, and agree on arrangements. All this takes a lot of time and effort unless you're working with a UNITEDCODE delivery company.
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